Board of Education

Dr. Niketia Coleman

Dr. Niketia Coleman

Veronica Morrow-Reel

Veronica Morrow-Reel

Wanda Lane

Wanda J. Lane

Dr. Miranda Avant-Elliott

Dr. Miranda Avant-Elliott

Jacqueline C. Jackson

Jacqueline Jackson

Sharon Titsworth

Sharon Titsworth

Monica Williams

Monica Williams

She Fields

Sha Fields
Board Secretary

The Riverview Gardens Board of Education is the governing body of the school district.  It consists of seven locally elected directors. The main functions of the Board of Education are to:

  •     Hire and evaluate the superintendent and delegate all administrative responsibilities
  •     Approve the school district's budget
  •     Establish goals and evaluate outcomes
  •     Adopt and evaluate policies
  •     Connect with the community
  •     Assure school district performance

The Board of Education will meet regularly on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Riverview Gardens School District Central Office, 1370 Northumberland Drive in Bellefontaine Neighbors. District patrons are welcome to attend all open meetings. A public comment time is designated at each open session for patrons to address the Special Administrative Board.  According to District procedures, those wishing to address the School Board must fill out a form for the Board Chairman prior to speaking. Patrons are asked to limit their comments to no more than three minutes each to ensure the meeting agenda can be covered in a timely manner.

Agendas are available 24 hours prior to the Board meeting, as required by law. The agendas are posted at Central Office and on the district website on the day prior to each meeting. As per Missouri law, the SAB may vote to meet in closed session to discuss items concerning personnel, real estate, student discipline and other legal matters. Neither the public nor the media can attend closed sessions. Votes made in closed sessions are included in the meeting minutes.   

Meeting Schedule

All meetings of the Board of Education will be held on the second & fourth Tuesday of the month in the Boardroom at Central Office, 1370 Northumberland Dr., St. Louis, MO 63137 unless otherwise noted.

 Executive Session will begin promptly at 6:00pm, and is closed to the public.

All open meetings will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.

Should you have any questions regarding Board of Education meetings please feel free to contact Sha Fields at 314-869-7436 ext. 20123.

The Board appoints the following person as custodian of records:

Coordinator of Board Governance
Please send all Missouri Sunshine Law requests to:
Sha Fields
Coordinator of Board Governance
1370 Northumberland
St. Louis, MO 63137
Phone: 314-869-2505, ext. 20123; Fax: 314-798-0936

Open Records Sunshine Requests

Persons wishing to request open records (Sunshine requests) should be made via Next Request or by contacting Sha Fields. 

BoardDocs Link

All SAB meeting agendas can be obtain from BoardDocs.